Why Is My Bearded Dragon Rubbing His Face? (Rocks, Glass, People)

Why Is My Bearded Dragon Rubbing His Face?  Imagine coming home to find your beloved bearded dragon vigorously scratching or rubbing its adorable little face against various surfaces in its habitat. It’s not just perplexing; it’s also a bit disconcerting to witness such unusual behavior from your scaly companion. While these creatures are known for their quirky antics, face-rubbing may raise red flags for any attentive pet owner.

Fear not – in this article, we’ll unravel the mystery behind why your bearded dragon might engage in this curious activity and provide insights into how to best care for these captivating reptiles. Whether you’re new to owning a beardie or have been a long-time enthusiast, understanding why your pet is exhibiting this behavior is crucial for ensuring its well-being and contentment.

If you notice your bearded dragon constantly rubbing its face on the ground, it could be a sign that shedding is imminent. This behavior is often an attempt to alleviate itchiness and discomfort caused by the shedding process. Changes in skin color and dullness may indicate that your bearded dragon is preparing to shed its skin. As their old skin becomes dry and tight, you may observe them becoming more restless or irritable.

An increase in appetite just before shedding is common, as your bearded dragon will need extra nutrients to support the shedding process. It’s crucial to provide a calcium-rich diet during this time to aid in healthy shedding and prevent any potential complications. Finally, keep an eye out for any patches of skin discoloration or stuck shed as these can lead to infection if not addressed promptly. Understanding these signs of impending shed can help ensure that you provide the necessary care and support for your bearded dragon during this natural process.

Your Bearded Dragon’s Skin Starts To Get Duller or Lighter

Have you noticed your bearded dragon‘s skin starting to appear dull or lighter in color? This change could be a cause for concern, as it may indicate an underlying health issue. One possible reason for this is shedding, as bearded dragons regularly shed their skin to accommodate growth. If the dullness persists beyond the shedding period, it could signal a possible deficiency in their diet or inadequate hydration. 

Bearded Dragon Rubbing His Face

Another factor to consider is environmental conditions such as insufficient exposure to UVB lighting or the temperature being too low. Excessive rubbing of the face and body by your bearded dragon could also contribute to a change in skin appearance. It’s crucial to monitor their behavior closely and consult with a reptile veterinarian if you notice prolonged dullness or lightening of their skin. 

Changes In Behavior

One common sign that your bearded dragon is getting ready to shed is a change in their behavior. You might notice them becoming more irritable or reclusive as they prepare for the shedding process. They may also lose interest in food and become less active than usual. These behavioral changes are often a clear indicator that shedding is approaching.

Another sign to look out for is a change in their coloration. As your bearded dragon gets ready to shed, you may notice patches of dull or greyish skin appearing, indicating that the old skin is starting to loosen and be replaced with new, vibrant scales underneath. This can be an exciting and visually striking indication that your pet is about to go through this natural process.

Rubbing Their Face On Items In The Cage

When your bearded dragon starts rubbing their face on items in the cage, it could be a sign that they are getting ready to shed. This behavior is often driven by their natural instinct to alleviate any discomfort or irritation caused by shedding. As their old skin becomes dry and tight, rubbing against rough surfaces can help loosen and remove it more easily.

brumation bearded dragon

Aside from face rubbing, other signs of an impending shed include dullness in color, reduced appetite, and increased hiding behavior. It’s important to provide a shallow bath for your dragon during this time to help soften the old skin and facilitate the shedding process. Remember that regular shedding is a normal part of a bearded dragon’s lifespan, and it’s essential to monitor their overall well-being during this time to ensure a smooth transition.

Bearded dragons are fascinating creatures, and their behavior can sometimes leave pet owners puzzled. One common sight is a bearded dragon rubbing its face on the glass of its cage. This rubbing behavior could also indicate that your dragon is trying to shed its skin, as they often use rough surfaces to help remove old skin.

If you notice your bearded dragon rubbing its face against the glass frequently, it might be worth examining their habitat and ensuring that it’s adequately stimulating. As for diet, strawberries can indeed be given to bearded dragons as an occasional treat.They should only make up a small part of their overall diet due to the fruit’s high sugar content.

He Thinks His Reflection Is Another Beardie

It can be quite puzzling to see your bearded dragon repeatedly rubbing its face on the glass of its cage, but there may be a simple explanation for this behavior. It’s possible that your beardie is mistaking its reflection for another bearded dragon. In the wild, these animals are known to establish territories and show dominance by displaying aggressive behavior towards rivals, and your pet may be reacting similarly to what it perceives as a potential competitor.

red bearded dragon

To alleviate this behavior, consider providing more mental stimulation for your bearded dragon. Introducing new toys or rearranging the cage decor can help distract your pet from focusing too much on its reflection. Ensure that your beardie’s enclosure offers enough hiding spots and visual barriers to reduce opportunities for it to perceive its own reflection.

The Enclosure May Not Be Appropriately Sized

If your bearded dragon is rubbing its face on the glass of its cage, it may be a sign of stress or discomfort from being confined in a space that’s not large enough. In the wild, these creatures have plenty of space to explore and roam, so it’s important to ensure their captive environment is adequately sized for their needs. When a bearded dragon feels cramped or restricted, they can exhibit various behaviors, including glass-hopping or rubbing to try and find an escape route.

In addition to addressing enclosure size, consider diversifying your bearded dragon’s diet with a variety of fruits. While insects are a staple food for these reptiles, incorporating fruits such as strawberries, mangos, and papayas can provide essential nutrients and hydration. Always remember to research which fruits are safe for bearded dragons as some can be harmful if consumed in large quantities. By offering a balanced diet that includes appropriate fruits alongside other dietary components, you can contribute to the overall health and well-being of your beloved pet.

As a bearded dragon owner, you may have noticed your pet rubbing his face against various objects in its enclosure. While this behavior can naturally raise concerns, it’s not necessarily something to panic about. Bearded dragons often rub their faces to shed old skin or even to mark their territory by leaving scent pheromones behind. If the rubbing persists or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms like swelling or discharge from the eyes or nose, it may indicate a health issue that should be addressed by a veterinarian.

bearded dragon enclosure

Another important aspect of caring for your bearded dragon is providing the right diet. One common question that comes up is whether bearded dragons can eat cucumbers. While some owners offer cucumbers as an occasional treat, it’s essential to remember that they are low in nutritional value and high in water content, which could potentially lead to digestive issues if fed excessively. It’s crucial to maintain a balanced diet for your bearded dragon, incorporating a variety of greens and insects rich in essential nutrients instead of relying solely on fruits and vegetables with low nutritional value like cucumbers.

The Face Rubbing Doesn’t Stop Or Is Prolonged After Shedding

One common behavior observed in German giant bearded dragons is prolonged face rubbing after shedding. This seemingly endless rubbing can often raise concerns among pet owners, leading them to wonder if something is wrong with their reptile companion. It’s important to understand that this behavior is completely natural and serves a specific purpose for the bearded dragon.

why is my bearded dragon rubbing his face on the ground

During shedding, bearded dragons experience some discomfort as the old skin begins to loosen and separate from their bodies. The prolonged face rubbing helps them remove any remaining pieces of shed skin around sensitive areas such as the eyes, nostrils, and mouth. So next time you notice your German giant bearded dragon engaging in prolonged face rubbing after shedding, rest assured that it’s simply their way of maintaining good hygiene and comfort during this natural process.

Helping Your Beardie With Their Shed

Not all bearded dragons enjoy having someone else help them with their shed – some prefer to do it on their own. If you notice prolonged face rubbing, consider providing a warm bath or misting the enclosure to increase humidity, which can help soften and loosen the old skin.

Paying attention to your beardie’s body language during shedding is crucial. It’s essential to understand that each bearded dragon has its preferences and will communicate them differently. Some owners have found success in using soothing words or gentle strokes during this time of discomfort. 

Your Beardie Begins To Injure Himself With His Face Rubbing

Excessive actions, such as repeatedly rubbing against surfaces, may indicate underlying pain or unease. Have you ever found yourself unable to resist picking at a scab due to the intense irritation it causes? Animals go through similar experiences! If your bearded dragon appears unable to find relief or is excessively rubbing its skin to the point of injury, it’s important to carefully assess this behavior.

bearded dragon tank

You’re Noticing Other New Or Unusual behaviors

Should your bearded dragon exhibit face rubbing and develop unfamiliar or abnormal behaviors like reduced appetite or increased hiding, it is advisable to consult a reptile veterinarian. Reptiles often display subtle signs of illness, with some showing no visible symptoms until they are seriously unwell. It is crucial to build a strong rapport with a reptile specialist vet. Early detection of illness facilitates a smoother path to full recovery.

Observing a bearded dragon rubbing his face can indicate a variety of potential issues, such as shedding, stress, or an underlying health problem. It is important to monitor your pet closely and seek veterinary advice if the behavior persists or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms. Providing a comfortable and stress-free environment, along with a balanced diet and regular check-ups, can help prevent many of the common causes of face rubbing in bearded dragons. By staying informed and proactive about your pet’s well-being, you can ensure that they live a happy and healthy life. Remember that responsible pet ownership includes being attentive to your reptile’s behaviors and seeking professional guidance when needed.

Why Is My Beardie Rubbing Her Face Against The Glass?

Bearded dragons often rub their faces against the glass due to a few reasons. One common reason is that they may be trying to shed old skin or remove stuck shed from their face. They may be seeking attention or trying to explore their environment by rubbing against the glass.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Tomatoes?

 Yes they can eat. Tomatoes are a good source of vitamins and minerals for bearded dragons, but they should be fed in small amounts as they contain high levels of acidity and oxalic acid which can be harmful if consumed in large quantities. It’s important to remove the seeds and skin before feeding tomatoes to your bearded dragon to avoid any potential digestive issues.

Do Bearded Dragons Bite?

Yes, bearded dragons can bite, especially if they feel threatened or stressed. They are generally not aggressive and will only bite as a last resort. It’s important to handle them gently and avoid startling them to minimize the risk of being bitten. With proper handling and care, the likelihood of a bearded dragon biting is reduced.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Grapes?

Yes, bearded dragons can eat grapes in moderation. Grapes can be a tasty treat for them, but they should only be fed occasionally and in small quantities. Be sure to remove any seeds from the grapes before offering them to your bearded dragon, as the seeds can be a choking hazard.

Why Bearded Dragon Rubbing Face On Ground?

One reason is shedding. When a bearded dragon sheds its skin, it may rub its face on rough surfaces to remove the old skin and relieve discomfort. Another reason could be scent marking or exploring their environment. Bearded dragons have scent glands on their heads, and rubbing their faces on different surfaces could be a way for them to mark their territory or investigate new scents.