Pet Frogs That Can Live And Swim In Water

When we think of Pet Frogs That Can Live and Swim In Water, we often picture a small green amphibian perched on a lily pad or hopping into the water. Frogs love being near water as it provides them with everything they need – moisture, food, and a place to breed. Some frogs even live entirely in water and make great pets, like African dwarf frogs and Indonesian floating frogs. 

Others, like fire-bellied toads and leopard frogs, enjoy swimming but need both land and water to thrive. Let’s explore the world of aquatic and semi-aquatic pet frogs before delving into other popular options like Pacman frogs and tree frogs.

Aquatic frogs are those that live primarily in water, like the Indonesian floating frog. These frogs may occasionally venture onto land to hunt near the shore, but they prefer being in water. Fully aquatic frogs are the ones that spend all their time in water, while semi-aquatic frogs are comfortable both in water and on land. 

Semi-aquatic frogs are strong swimmers but still need some land area in their habitat. Now that you know about aquatic and semi-aquatic frogs, let’s explore some pet frogs that live in water and others that enjoy swimming!

Consider having a pet frog that can live and swim in water. These creatures add color and interest to an aquatic environment. The African Clawed Frog can thrive in water and interact with fish without causing harm. The Poison Dart Frog, despite being toxic, can be a good aquatic pet if housed correctly. 

These frogs have vibrant colors and patterns that add excitement to your underwater world. With proper care, they can bring joy and entertainment to your home while showing off their swimming abilities. Whether you’re experienced with frogs or new to the hobby, exploring pet frogs that do well in water can be a rewarding journey.

African Dwarf Frog

African Dwarf Frogs are popular pets known for their small size, peaceful nature, and ability to live in water throughout their lives. These adorable frogs, typically grey with black spots, reach about 2.5 inches long and are best kept in groups in a 5-gallon tank. It’s important to avoid overcrowding to maintain good water quality. 

african dwarf frogs

These frogs need easy access to the surface for air and should have resting spots near the top of the tank. They can coexist with small fish like danios or guppies but may see tiny fish as snacks if not well-fed. Their diet should include frog pellets, bloodworms, tubifex worms, brine shrimp, blackworms, or mosquito larvae for variety.

Tropical Clawed Frog

Consider adding the Tropical Clawed Frog, also known as the African Dwarf Water Frog, to your fish tank. These small creatures from Africa can live in various water conditions. They have claw-shaped toes and are good swimmers. The ADF or African Dwarf Frog is a popular choice for pet owners due to their small size and big personalities. 

They are entertaining to watch as they swim energetically and are curious. ADFs are easy to care for, suitable for beginners and experts, needing a well-filtered tank with hiding spots and plants. For something unique, try Minecraft Frogs, resembling characters from the Minecraft game with blocky shapes and bright colors. 

Indonesian Floating Frog

The Indonesian Floating Frog, also known as the Flying Frog, is a captivating amphibian that has adapted to an aquatic lifestyle unlike any other. With its webbed feet and streamlined body, this unique species thrives in water, showcasing remarkable swimming capabilities that defy common perceptions of frogs. Equipped with large eyes and a keen sense of balance, these agile creatures navigate their watery habitats with grace and precision.

Pet Frogs That Can Live and Swim In Water

Despite their aquatic prowess, Indonesian Floating Frogs also possess the ability to leap effortlessly from water onto plants or branches on land, further demonstrating their versatility in different environments. Their striking color patterns and vibrant hues add to their allure, making them a visually stunning addition to any collection of exotic pets.

African Clawed Frog

The African Clawed Frog, also known as Xenopus laevis, is a unique amphibian that many people like to keep as a pet because of its interesting appearance and behaviors. This frog has webbed feet, smooth skin, and distinctive claws on its hind limbs, which help it live in water. It can survive in water with low oxygen levels by breathing through its skin. 

The Gaboon Rain Frog is a favorite among fans. These frogs have a round body, tiny legs, and a bumpy texture that resembles moss or lichen. Despite being small and shy, Gaboon Rain Frogs are famous for their loud calls during the rainy season in African forests, creating a magical atmosphere in their natural home.

Surinam Toad

The Surinam toad is a fascinating amphibian known for its unique lifestyle as a fully aquatic species. These creatures spend their entire lives in water, rarely venturing onto land except during the breeding season. What sets them apart is their remarkable ability to swim gracefully and effortlessly using webbed feet that resemble paddles. Watching these agile creatures glide through the water can be a mesmerizing experience, showcasing the adaptability of nature’s designs.

frog with eggs on back

Their aquatic adaptations go beyond swimming prowess; Surinam toads have evolved specialized skin that enables them to absorb oxygen directly from the water, allowing them to remain submerged for extended periods without needing to surface for air. This intricate system highlights the incredible diversity of strategies employed by different species to thrive in their environments.

These semi-aquatic frogs exhibit strong swimming abilities due to their webbed feet and powerful hind legs, yet they also enjoy spending time on land. They are ideal candidates for those interested in constructing a paludarium.

Fire-bellied Toad

Fire-bellied toads, though not aquatic creatures all the time, enjoy swimming! Similar to the Surinam toad, these frogs have a misleading name because of their bumpy skin. Their red-orange bellies with black spots are displayed when they feel threatened. This coloration warns predators of the mild toxin in their skin. 

rain frogs

Fire-bellied toads are diurnal pets that don’t require staying up all night to observe them. They are low-maintenance and can thrive in a 10-gallon tank with both land and water areas. They eat feeder insects like crickets and roaches and can swim well despite not being fully aquatic frogs.

Leopard Frog

Northern leopard frogs, also called leopard frogs, are a popular choice for pet owners who want a swimming buddy. They are not poisonous like fire-bellied toads and have bright colors. These frogs grow up to 4 inches long and have green bodies with brown spots or a brown color. 

They live in creeks, ponds, and lakes in the US and Canada, near grassy areas by water. To make a home for them, set up a paludarium with a shallow substrate. These frogs are easy to care for, like a 10-gallon aquarium, and eat crickets, earthworms, waxworms, and roaches.

American Bullfrog

The American bullfrog is originally from eastern North America but can now be found in South America, Asia, and Europe because it can adapt well to different environments. It likes warm, shallow waters with lots of plants. The American bullfrog is tough and easy to take care of, and can live for up to 20 years if you look after it properly. 

They eat many kinds of animals, like insects, fish, and small mice. The biggest challenge in caring for them is making sure they have enough space – one frog needs 30-40 gallons of room because they are big and active. 

Budgett’s Frog

At the bottom of our list is the Budgett’s frog, also known as the hippo frog due to its resemblance to a hippopotamus with smooth, grey skin and a chubby appearance. These frogs can reach up to 5 inches in length and thrive in a 20-gallon tank with shallow water and river pebbles for substrate. 

glass frogs

It’s best to keep them alone as they may try to eat each other if housed together. Budgett’s frogs are native to Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia where they often prey on other frogs. They are known to scream when threatened. These frogs enjoy a diet of crickets, earthworms, roaches, feeder fish, or pinky mice. With proper care, they can live for over 5 years!

Can Tree Frogs Swim?

Yes, tree frogs can swim. While they are primarily known for their ability to climb and jump from tree to tree, tree frogs are also adept swimmers. They have webbed feet that help them move efficiently through water, enabling them to navigate ponds, streams, and other bodies of water with ease.

When swimming, tree frogs use a technique called the breaststroke, where they kick their legs and move their arms in a coordinated manner to propel themselves forward. This allows them to hunt for food, escape predators, and find mates in aquatic environments. Overall, while tree frogs may spend most of their time in trees, they are certainly capable swimmers when the need arises.

Can Pacman Frogs Swim?

Yes, Pacman frogs can swim, but they are not strong swimmers. These frogs are primarily terrestrial and do not spend much time in the water. They have webbed feet that allow them to move through shallow water if necessary. It is important to provide a shallow water dish for them to soak in and keep themselves hydrated, but it should not be deep enough for them to fully submerge in.

pet frogs

If you have a Pacman frog as a pet, it’s important to monitor their access to water and ensure that they have a way to get out of the water easily. While they may be able to swim short distances, prolonged exposure to water can be stressful for them. Pacman frogs are best suited for a more terrestrial environment with occasional access to shallow water for soaking.

Some Pet Frogs That can Live and Swim In Water. Each frog species has specific needs. For example, an African dwarf frog thrives in a water-filled aquarium but not a fire-bellied toad. An American bullfrog is happy in a paludarium, unlike a Pacman frog. 

Know your frog’s habitat preference for a happy pet. With love and research, your amphibious friend will enjoy swimming, climbing, or burrowing for years!


What Do Frogs Eat?

Frogs are carnivorous creatures and their diet mainly consists of insects such as flies, mosquitoes, crickets, and beetles. They also feed on small invertebrates like worms, spiders, and snails. Some larger species of frogs have been known to eat small fish or even other frogs.

What Do Tree Frogs Eat?

Tree frogs primarily eat insects such as crickets, flies, moths, and other small invertebrates. They have a diet that consists mainly of live prey that they can catch with their sticky tongues. Some tree frog species may also consume small vertebrates like tiny lizards or even other smaller frogs.

What Are 5 Facts About Frogs?

Some frog species can survive freezing temperatures in winter and come out unharmed in spring. Wood frogs have adapted to freeze up to 65% of their body each winter! Frogs use their eyes to aid in eating. The largest frog on Earth can weigh close to seven pounds, similar in size to a newborn baby!