Best Types Of Pet Turtles For Beginners (And Turtles To Avoid)

Have they ever wanted to bring a cute turtle home? You’re not alone. Many people find these quiet, charming creatures that carry their homes on their backs irresistible. Turtles can be great pets for beginners if picked wisely.

With more than 300 species in the wild, finding the right pet turtle can be as challenging as winning a marathon race. In this article, we’ll slow down and shell out details about different types of pet turtles perfect for novice owners and those best to avoid.

Turtles could make a tremendous introductory pet if you’re starting your journey in the animal kingdom. Certain types of turtles for pets exhibit characteristics that make them perfect for beginners, particularly their low maintenance and long lifespans. When choosing a reptile friend, turtles offer an enchanting blend of fascination and uncomplicated care.

Turtles are easy for beginners because they need less care than other pets. Unlike dogs, they don’t need daily walks or grooming. They also don’t need as much attention as cats. Plus, turtles live a long time, making them long-lasting friends.

snapping turtle

Turtles are great for beginners because they are small. Even growing up, they don’t need much space like bigger pets. They are also quiet and won’t make much noise in your home. This makes them perfect for people who live in apartments or are silent. But remember, turtles still need the proper care. They need a good home, the right food, and regular visits to a vet who knows about reptiles.

Prospective turtle owners want a pet that’s easy to take care of and easy to find supplies and vet care for. They look for turtles that do well in captivity and are easy to find in pet stores. Having an easy-to-find enclosure is also important.

Simple dietary requirements and readily available food items make feeding pet turtles uncomplicated for owners looking for convenience. Understanding the importance of accessibility can help prospective turtle owners make informed decisions about bringing these captivating creatures into their homes.

Beginner pet turtle options include the Eastern Box Turtle and the Painted Turtle. The Eastern Box Turtle is colorful, friendly, and easy to care for. They can live up to 50 years with proper care. The Painted Turtle is vibrant, has distinct markings, and is playful and active. With the right setup and diet, Painted Turtles can live happily in captivity and bring joy to their owners.

Box Turtle

Start your turtle journey with the Box Turtle. It’s unique looking and easy to take care of. This hardy, moderately-sized turtle is an enigma in a shell, combining a blend of special features that make it an absolute delight as one of the best pet turtles.

Types Of Pet Turtles

Box turtles are easy to care for and live a long time. They have unique dome-shaped shells with exciting patterns. Their bodies are naturally coloured in brown, black, and yellow shades. Keeping a box turtle can improve your space and calm your daily life. Owning a Box Turtle means you’ll learn a lot and have many beautiful surprises. You can relax and watch them while taking a break from the busy world. It’s a peaceful experience that’s worth more than money. Instead of a high-maintenance dog, you need one simple Box Turtle.

Red-Eared Slider

If you’re on the hunt for the best turtles for pets, then look no further than the Red-Eared Slider. These turtles are visually appealing and fun to watch with their distinctive red strokes near their ears; they make a fantastic choice for beginner owners due to their hardy nature and easy-to-meet requirements. 

animal control

Red-eared sliders are unique because they can live in water and on land. This makes their habitats easy and fun to create! They need a sunny spot and clean water to be happy. These friendly turtles are a joy and are among the most accessible turtles to look after.

Mississippi Map Turtle

For the enthusiasts who adore every clover of turtle breeds, you’ll want to get acquainted with the Mississippi Map Turtle. This water creature is loved by everyone for its unique patterns that look like map lines. Plus, it’s easy to take care of, which is excellent if you want a low-maintenance pet! It comes from the freshwater areas of the Mississippi Valley in North America. These turtles are both rare and easy to manage.

Mississippi Map Turtle

These turtles are tiny, growing up to only 10 inches, so they won’t take up much space. This makes them perfect pets whether you live in a small apartment or a big house. They eat almost anything – from fruit to frozen fish – making feeding easy and exciting. Besides, their gentle behaviour and unique green-brown shell patterns make them fascinating to watch. So why not bring a piece of North America’s aquatic life into your home by getting a Mississippi Map Turtle?

Painted Turtle

Turtles are usually considered easy pets, but some types need certain conditions to do well at home. The Painted Turtle is different. It’s a unique, easy-to-care-for pet. It’s known for its bright shell with detailed designs and colours. They make your home look better and are comfortable living in aquariums.

Unlike tropical turtles that require warm climates, the painted turtle can live in different conditions because it’s used to the vital ecosystems of North American marshlands. They eat meat and plants, making it easy and cheap to care for them. Unlike many other easy-to-care-for pet turtles, they behave well and are not usually shy. You can interact and bond with them without disrupting your home’s peace.

Painted Turtle

Northern Map Turtle

The Northern Map Turtle is an excellent choice for beginner pet owners. These small but strong turtles are known for their unique shell patterns resembling maps. They are easier to care for than other turtle types because they have strong survival instincts.

types of pet turtles

Northern Map Turtles make great pets when you care for them with love. They don’t need much human contact because they like being alone. They only need clean water, warm temperatures, good food, and love. Looking after these turtles lets us see their unique life story, helping us understand their world better.

Mud Turtle

Exploring the world of pet turtles can be a fascinating journey, especially when you delve into lesser-known but equally lovely types of turtles for pets. Amongst these hidden gems are Mud Turtles – small-sized, resilient, and endearing creatures that make perfect companions for beginner turtle enthusiasts.

pet turtle lifespan

Mud Turtles, like Eastern and Striped, are interesting pets with unique personalities. They are easy to care for, making them great for beginners to learn about turtle care. They are calm and small, fitting well in tiny homes or apartments. If you’re considering getting a reptile, Mud Turtles are a great choice!

Common Musk Turtle

The Common Musk Turtle is a small, beginner-friendly pet. Also known as stinkpots, they release a musky smell when scared. They are small, usually about 5 inches long. But despite their small size, they have a lot of personality. They are great pets, especially for first-time pet owners.

These water animals are adaptable and can live in water or on land. So, even if you don’t have a giant aquarium or a lot of green space, you can still keep a Common Musk Turtle home without trouble. These tough creatures can live up to 50 years. Owning one is fun and lets you watch a long life journey up close. Many turtle fans say it’s a rewarding experience!

African Sideneck Turtle

If you want a pet turtle, the African Sideneck Turtle is a good choice for beginners. They have long necks and pretty markings. These turtles eat both plants and protein. They are good swimmers and need enough water to be healthy in captivity.

african sideneck turtle care

Setting up a tank for your African Sideneck Turtle is important. Make sure to have a basking area with the right heat and UVB light. Keep the tank clean by changing the water and using a good filter. Taking care of an African Sideneck Turtle can be a great experience for new reptile owners.

Eastern Hermann’s Tortoise

When considering a pet turtle, beginners may find the Eastern Hermann’s Tortoise to be an excellent choice. Known for its beautiful and distinctive markings, this species is also relatively small in size, making it suitable for indoor enclosures. One interesting aspect of caring for Eastern Hermann’s Tortoises is their behavior; they are known to be active during the day and enjoy basking under a heat lamp.

In terms of diet, it is essential to provide a variety of leafy greens such as dandelion greens and romaine lettuce. Offering occasional fruits like strawberries or apples can add variety and essential nutrients to their diet. 

When starting out as a turtle owner, it’s important to avoid certain species that may not be well-suited for beginners. Turtles like the Common Snapping Turtle or the Softshell Turtle can be challenging to care for due to their aggressive behavior and specific dietary requirements. These turtles also require more space than other species, making them better suited for experienced owners with larger setups.

Alligator Snapping Turtle

The Alligator Snapping Turtle is a creature of both beauty and danger, with its massive size and powerful jaws capable of delivering a bone-crushing bite. It is not to be taken lightly, as it can weigh up to 200 pounds and reach lengths of over 2 feet. Despite its intimidating appearance, the Alligator Snapping Turtle plays a vital role in the ecosystem as an apex predator, keeping other populations in check.

turtle breeds

Found primarily in the southeastern United States, these turtles are known for their ambush hunting style, patiently waiting for prey to come close before striking with lightning speed. Due to habitat loss and overhunting, their populations have been declining rapidly in recent years. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect these magnificent creatures from disappearing forever.

Softshell Turtle

Starting a new hobby, like pet turtles, should be fun and exciting. But if you’re a beginner, avoiding softshell turtles is better. They are more challenging to care for than hard-shell turtles. This is because they need a special diet and clean water. Even people who have had turtles for a long time find them difficult.

Turtles are exciting but need a carefully arranged habitat with hiding spots, swimming areas, and controlled temperatures. They can get stressed if their living conditions are not good, which can be challenging for new turtle owners. While their unique flat bodies and long noses that they use to find food underwater can be adorable, owning turtles needs more thought beyond their looks.

turtle breeds

Choosing the best types of pet Turtles for beginners involves careful consideration of the turtle’s lifespan, diet, habitat needs, and temperament. The Red-Eared Slider, Russian Tortoise, and Painted Turtle are among the best types for beginners due to their relatively easy care requirements.

Softshell Turtles and Snapping Turtles should be avoided as they require specific care that may prove challenging for beginners. Remember, owning a turtle can be an enriching experience with correct respect and commitment. So, choose wisely and embark on this beautiful journey of becoming a turtle owner today!

What Are 5 Facts About Turtles?

Turtles are fascinating animals that have been around for over 200 million years. This makes them older than snakes, crocodiles, and alligators. They live on every continent except Antarctica, showing they can adapt to different places. Turtles have a hard shell that keeps them safe from enemies. This shell is part of their bone structure, including their ribs and backbone, and is made of over 50 bones. Some types of turtles can live for more than 100 years. The oldest turtle we know about lived to be 188 years old!

What Are Turtles known For?

Turtles are famous for their long lives. Many kinds of turtles can live beyond 100 years, with some even reaching 150 years. They are also known for their slow speed, symbolizing patience and persistence in different cultures worldwide.

Are Turtles Intelligent?

Turtles are wise in their unique ways. They may not be as clever as monkeys or dolphins, but they have learned to live in their habitats intelligently. For instance, many types of turtles are good at finding their way around and can remember specific places, like where they eat or lay eggs. Also, turtles can solve problems and learn from experience. Some research shows that they can recognize themselves in a mirror, showing self-awareness.

What Species Is Turtle?

Turtles are a group of reptiles with around 360 different species. They are split into two main categories: Cryptodira and Pleurodira. Popular types of turtles are sea turtles, tortoises, terrapins, and freshwater turtles. Each type of turtle has different sizes, diets, homes, and lifespans. For instance, the small speckled padloper tortoise can fit in your hand, but the leatherback sea turtle can grow to be seven feet long.

What Does Turtle Eat?

Turtles are omnivores, so they eat both plants and meat. Their diet changes based on their type and where they live. They usually eat vegetables, fruits, bugs, fish, worms, and even small birds or mammals. Turtles often eat leafy greens, bell peppers, apples, tomatoes, and some berries when kept as pets. They also eat store-bought turtle food with essential vitamins and minerals. But remember, not all turtles can eat the same things because their digestive systems and living places differ.

How Long Does A Pet Turtle Live?

The lifespan of a pet turtle can vary depending on the species and how well it is cared for. On average, most pet turtles can live for 20-40 years, with some species living even longer. For example, the common box turtle can live for 50 years or more with proper care and a suitable environment.